Avatar: Gaggio Giaggio has 4 coins, is not protected and is currently not locked

Avatar: MILO has 3 coins, is not protected and is currently not locked

Avatar: Windy Apparition has 3 coins, is protected and is currently locked

Avatar: Armitage Salamander has 3 coins, is not protected and is currently not locked

Avatar: Roelstra has 3 coins, is not protected and is currently not locked

Avatar: Bloom has 3 coins, is not protected and is currently not locked

Avatar: °`(^0^♡)___.•-☆ has 2 coins, is not protected and is currently not locked

Avatar: Bastard Sugar has 2 coins, is not protected and is currently not locked

Avatar: Cruxicult has 2 coins, is protected and is currently not locked

Avatar: Gravetar Tomb has 2 coins, is not protected and is currently not locked

Avatar: Paul Withe has 2 coins, is not protected and is currently not locked

Avatar: The Black Godezz has 2 coins, is not protected and is currently not locked

Avatar: AI-X or DataMaster has 1 coins, is not protected and is currently not locked

Avatar: B33P has 1 coins, is not protected and is currently not locked

Avatar: Blue Sunflower has 1 coins, is not protected and is currently not locked

Avatar: C.H. -OB.GER. - 93 has 1 coins, is not protected and is currently not locked

Avatar: OLA has 1 coins, is not protected and is currently not locked

Avatar: Radio Kale has 1 coins, is protected and is currently not locked

Avatar: Light Hole has 0 coins, is not protected and is currently not locked

Avatar: Ludisposed has -1 coins, is protected and is currently not locked

Avatar: Chii has -1 coins, is not protected and is currently not locked

Avatar: Black Puma has -9 coins, is not protected and is currently not locked